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Entrepreneurs To Wealthprenurs Challenge

India’s Only Workshop That Teaches
The 5-Step Framework To Transform Your Business Into A Wealth

Sharing The ZERO TO 100 Cr Business Strategy

Register For The Workshop Before Timer Ends & Get Bonuses worth ₹9,400

Success Story

Atish Yedvi
Grocery retail and
wholesale Business

Was a one a man Army

Handling most of the sales by

Had a small team of 4 people


Helped him open up new stores
in the city

Revenue growth of 4X

Built a team of 20 people

Atish Yedvi

From 6 CR last year to 23 CR and
will close this year at 28 CR

Helped him scale up multi city

What will you learn in the workshop?

5 Step Proven Framework To Scale Your Business


Learn the Thought Process, Rituals, and Behaviour Patterns that most successful business owners in the world possess to achieve hyper-growth.


Discover the proven ways to strengthen the core pillars of any business including marketing, sales, operations, expansion, increasing revenue, and profitability.


Understand the Key Elements of building & retaining a team along with the right training for business performance acceleration.

Growth Foundation

Learn the Thought Process, Rituals, and Behaviour Patterns that most successful business owners in the world possess to achieve hyper-growth.

Cashflow Management

Learn the Thought Process, Rituals, and Behaviour Patterns that most successful business owners in the world possess to achieve hyper-growth.

Success Story

Rahul Takallapally
Cloud Service Startup

After launching his startup, had no clue how to run it

Had only done 4 lacs revenue in

How to get out of discounts and sell value


Created a proper marketing plan

Got him out of discount and moved towards value driven model.

Prepared a proper pricing strategy

Atish Yedvi

Revenue growth from 4 lacs to 50 Lacs

From 3 people now 25 member team

Opened another office in Bengaluru, earler was only operation in Hyderabad

What will you learn in the workshop?

You will discover 5 Core principles that are pillars to grow, scale, and make any business highly profitable. These pillar will help you identify areas to fix such as mindset, strategies, growth foundations, money, cashflow.

Success Story

Saad Pansare
Runs a Pre School and
Primary School

Was constantly firefighting in all areas of business.

People in the team did not have clarity of roles

There was no structure or hierarchy in place

Didn’t know how to market and scale their school revenue


Created a proper job description with clear KRA and KPI

Set a proper organization framework with clarity of reporting

Set effective marketing systems in place to generate consistent leads

Atish Yedvi

Revenue Growth From 1.5 CR to 2.25 CR (80%)

Conversion rate increase from 20% to 50%

Reached maximum strength for school with 100 students in waitlist

Who Should Attend The Workshop?

Business Owners

Consultants - Like CA, Architects


Dealers, Distributors, Retailers, Manufacturers

Medical Field Businesses

Service Providers

Any Business Owner / Entrepreneur – Who wants to take their business to the next stage by avoiding Mistakes and taking the right Action